
Thoughts from the field

The key players at VPCS have a lot to say about the state of the industry, because we’ve been in the thick of it for years. Read current and archived posts for insights and perspectives. Subscribe to our blog. 

Marty Militano: A Past, Present and Future VPCS-er

Marty Militano: A Past, Present and Future VPCS-er

Our longtime friend and once-again member of Team VPCS Marty Militano has a lot of stories to tell – not just about the schools and hospitals he’s helped deliver in his remarkable career but also about what it was like to work and play with “the Van Pelt boys” back...

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Program Spotlight: Redwood City School District Measure S

Program Spotlight: Redwood City School District Measure S

We are so pleased to be ramping up in Redwood City, where we’re serving as both program and construction managers for work associated with Measure S, a $298 million bond passed in 2022 by voters in the Redwood City School District (RCSD). This sizeable effort will...

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It’s Time for CASH

It’s Time for CASH

In our industry, this is the season of CASH – the Coalition for Adequate School Housing – and its annual conference, an important event for anyone connected to the school facilities sector in California. We’re eagerly gearing up for another powerful few days of...

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Here We Come, 2024

Here We Come, 2024

January always delivers an opportunity for fresh starts. At VPCS, we’re kicking off 2024 from our beautiful new headquarters, where we’re gearing up for another year of service to a growing list of California’s K-12 communities. Here are just a few things we’re...

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Group Gift

Group Gift

The holiday season is here, bringing with it the simple joys of togetherness, reflection and gratitude. At VPCS, we believe one of the greatest gifts is the opportunity to work with and for a group of talented, dedicated people – and we couldn’t imagine better...

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Thank You Notes

Thank You Notes

‘Tis the season for gratitude and we’ve got loads of it. Here, some of us share a few thoughts about what we’re thankful for and all that we have to look forward to. Everyone here at VPCS wishes our colleagues, family and friends a happy and healthy Thanksgiving....

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Client Spotlight: Pleasanton Unified

Client Spotlight: Pleasanton Unified

The Pleasanton Unified School District (PUSD) serves more than 14,000 K-12 students across 16 campuses. And, since 2019, VPCS has proudly served PUSD. The relationship we’ve built over the years with this client exemplifies the close connection we typically make with...

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Ready for Back-to-School

Ready for Back-to-School

Summertime is anything but lazy in the world of K-12 construction management. The weeks spanning the end of one school year and the start of the next tend to be the busiest for us. It’s when we kick things into high gear and tackle projects of every size without...

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Six Reasons Why VPCS Supports AB 247

Six Reasons Why VPCS Supports AB 247

In 2024, Californians will vote on Assembly Bill (AB) 247, a statewide general obligation bond act that would provide $14 billion for construction and modernization of education facilities. Officially referred to as the Transitional Kindergarten Through Community...

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The Party’s Just Beginning

The Party’s Just Beginning

We’re sweeping up the last of the literal and proverbial confetti following our extended 25th anniversary celebrations. (Technically, we opened our doors 27 years ago in 1996, but Covid interruptions got these festivities rolling a bit later than they otherwise would...

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A Woman’s Place

A Woman’s Place

At VPCS, we pride ourselves on the diversity of perspectives that we bring to everything we do. That includes a staff with a gender mix that more closely matches the actual population and is dramatically more balanced than the industry average. (Women account for 45%...

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Seven Reasons Small Districts Turn to VPCS

Seven Reasons Small Districts Turn to VPCS

At VPCS, we have more than 25 years of experience supporting the K-12 sector, and we’re proud of the ever-growing roster of school districts around the state that have trusted us to oversee their facilities work. While our larger district clients and their more...

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The Talents, Tastes and Travels of Jennifer Kerr

The Talents, Tastes and Travels of Jennifer Kerr

Project Manager Jennifer Kerr, who joined the VPCS team in 2017, brings a lot to the table, whether that table is in a conference room, a kitchen, an art studio or a foreign country. Read on to learn more about just a few of Jennifer’s many skills and experiences. Q:...

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Looking Forward to the CASH Conference

Looking Forward to the CASH Conference

It’s a new year, and that means the start of our industry’s conference season. We’ll kick things off in a few weeks at the Coalition for Adequate School Housing (CASH) 44th Annual Conference on School Facilities, to be held February 22-24 at the SAFE Credit Union...

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‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the Season

As we wrap up another year, the VPCS family extends our warmest wishes to clients, colleagues, associates and friends. We are so grateful to all the talented, dedicated people in our professional community who inspire us every day to go above and beyond. Here’s to a...

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The Votes Are In. Now What?

The Votes Are In. Now What?

The 2022 election cycle has come to a close. In many California communities, voters were asked to support local K-12 school bonds. For districts whose bond measures passed, this is roll-up-the-sleeves time. As experienced program managers (PMs), VPCS has seen many...

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Why Local Bond Initiatives Are Good for California

Why Local Bond Initiatives Are Good for California

November is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time for Californians to go to the polls. Election season is especially important to those of us in school construction because it’s when voters cast their ballots for school bond measures for K-12 and...

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How We Spent Our Summer Break

How We Spent Our Summer Break

Late August is always an exciting time on K-12 campuses as teachers, staff, students and families prepare for the start of a new school year. But for those of us in school construction, it’s the end of a very busy season. We work hard all year round, but summertime is...

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