Giving Thanks
It’s the gratitude season, which always reminds us to take a moment and reflect on all that we’re thankful for. At VPCS, we never take for granted how lucky we are to work with such wonderful people – that includes the good folks here at our own company as well as those who serve our client districts and those who work for our partner organizations. It’s a great time of year to acknowledge our blessings and focus on some of our goals for the new year. Here’s how a few of our staff members put that thankfulness into words:
Jennifer Gibb: Gratitude is a practice I prioritize every day. I am blessed to have such abundance – family, friends and colleagues, along with the trusted partner relationships that VPCS has been building for nearly 30 years. I am grateful to play a role in that legacy each day. I feel lucky to be a mom, a friend, a colleague and a partner in this industry. Our clients and vendor partners make our work not only possible but deeply rewarding. Their collaboration and dedication make our projects smoother and more successful, and I am continually appreciative of their support and the strong connections we share.
Ashley Del Rio: I am incredibly grateful for my wonderful VPCS team – for their support, collaboration and effort. I am especially thankful for all the opportunities I’ve had in my first year here and I look forward to further expanding my skills. I am also beyond thankful for my amazing husband and our two wonderful boys. I am excited to discover what lies ahead, both professionally and personally.
Angie Ramich: I am grateful for a healthy, positive working environment where we are blessed with wonderful clients, co-workers, peers and partners. And, of course, my family – my three adult daughters and my partner, Rick. (I’m even grateful for his horrible Dad jokes.) In the new year, I’m looking forward to reading more books, making more quilts, enjoying time with friends and family and seeing my girls continue to live their best lives.
Daniel Stevens: I’m grateful for the mentorship and employee development I receive at VPCS. I’m also grateful for my family. In the new year, I’m looking forward to beginning construction work in one of our districts.
Christine Scheffer: I’m grateful for our staff and their dedication to VPCS. I’m also thankful for my family (both the four-legged and two-legged kinds), our safety, our health and the love we share. I’m looking forward to learning new things that I can apply at work and at home so I can continue to create a great work/life balance.
Jake Jurgenson: I am grateful to work with all the incredible people here at VPCS, each of whom puts in such impressive effort. The fact that we like hanging out with one another is icing on the cake! Of course, I’m also very thankful for my family – immediate, extended, distant or friends-as-family. They all motivate me, inspire me, frustrate me and make me laugh. In the new year, I’m looking forward to more RV trips with the family, and my son moving up to high school!
Louann Carlomagno: As a lifelong learner, I’m grateful for the understanding I’ve gained at VPCS about how best to serve school districts from a facilities perspective. And, as always, I’m thankful for my parents, who taught me how to be the very best person I can be. While both have passed away, their memory lives on in the actions I take and the person I have become. Looking ahead to 2025, I’m excited to travel with my husband, Brian, while celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary!
Jonette Johnson: As I come up on my one-year anniversary with VPCS, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with some pretty amazing people. I am also grateful for the time I have with my family and friends. Time goes by so quickly and it is easy to forget that we are not always guaranteed more time. In 2025, I am looking forward to continuing to learn more in my position along with spending time with my family and friends.
Felicia Silveira: I am thankful for my colleagues, who make every day a fun adventure filled with laughter! I’m also celebrating my first year of being married to my partner of seven years! And I’m grateful for the health of my doggy, who has connected me with some of my closest friends through many trips to the dog park. In the coming year, I’m looking forward to getting outside more, checking out some new camping spots, learning new recipes and practicing my DIY skills around the house.
Nick Olsen: I am new to VPCS and am grateful to join a company that’s so family-oriented. I’m also thankful for my wife and three (soon to be four) kids, and our amazing extended family who are always so loving and helpful. I’m looking forward to making great new memories at work and at home.
Melanie Griffiths: I started a new role this year that places me in the main office interacting with everyone and all the teams. I am so grateful for such amazing co-workers and their support during the transition to this new role! It has been just a great experience so far. My family and friends are what I am most grateful for outside of work. Each day brings something new.
Eric Onick: I am grateful to be working for amazing clients alongside all my hard-working VPCS colleagues. “The Van Pelt Way” is not just a slogan. It’s a testament to the pride and compassion we bring to every facet of our work. I’m truly grateful to be able to be part of such a great organization! I am also grateful for my amazing wife, wonderful kids and loving family. It’s a blessing to have the life that I do.
Kelli Van Pelt Jurgenson: I’m grateful for challenges. That might sound strange, but every time we face a challenge, we get the opportunity to work with our colleagues and clients to find solutions. Challenges seem insurmountable when you are facing them alone but once you ask for help or collaboration, you realize that none of us are alone. I’m also incredibly grateful for my kids and husband, who exemplify the motto of “work hard and be kind.”
November 18, 2024