The projects listed below are some but not all of the projects that we have managed for VCUSD:
- Hogan High School
- Modernization
- Auditorium
- Peoples Continuation High School
- Modernization
- Vallejo Senior High School
- Modernization
- Paving/site restoration
- Corbus Field modernization
- Vallejo Middle School
- Modernization
- Steffan Manor Elementary School
- Temporary school
- Re-build
- Franklin Middle School
- Modernization
- Highland Middle School
- Modernization
- Pennycook Elementary School
- Modernization
- Solano Middle School
- Modernization
- Springstowne Middle School
- Modernization
- District-wide
- Structured cabling project
- FSA close-out project
- Development of district design standards
- Development of program management plan
- Program and project management
- Program and project scheduling
- Coordination with design team
- Pre-construction oversight
- Bid coordination
- Multiple prime contract management
- DSA coordination
- Inspector of Record coordination
- Correspondence with regulatory agencies
- Correspondence with public utility providers
- Attend School Board meetings
- Attend BOC meetings
- Cost estimating
- Constructability reviews
- Review of change order requests
- Coordination of campus and room moves
- Third-party labor compliance provider
- Development of an information website